Oakwood Values Trust
Oakwood has a professional and recognized team of ‘hackers’ routinely test their systems every quarter. After a series of test attacks, the report identifies any weaknesses found so Oakwood eliminates them before a hacker with evil intent finds them. This helps to protect hackers from gaining access to client funds and information. Nothing is 100% safe when it comes to the internet and electronic systems and communication. Please do not allow anyone to convince you otherwise. There are many things than can and should be done to MINIMIZE the risk. Investigate the efforts of any escrow company you are considering doing business with and compare them with what has been described here.
Oakwood is licensed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) and are under the most stringent consumer protections in the industry.
Escrow Companies Should Be Neutral, Not Tied To A Bank or Broker.

As a Realtor, you may not always get the opportunity to work with your escrow company of choice. However, it’s important to know that whatever escrow company you work with will have ALL OF YOUR CLIENTS INFORMATION.
Knowing this will help you to make good decisions when deciding on the best escrow company for your clients.
If you work with an escrow company owned or affiliated to a Broker or another Realtor, they will have all of your clients personal information to add to their own database.
It is imperative that you choose a NON-AFFLIATED escrow company that is impartial to both sides to protect your clients and your business.